Tools 4 NC Teachers | #GoOpenNC Tools to Engage on T4NCT Hub (2024)

SHELBIE SETZER 4years, 8months ago

Hey Y'all I am Shelbie and let mepreface this post by saying I teach 2nd grade in Gaston County :)

I see teachers taking the activties andREMIXingthem to fit the needs of the students that they have. We as teachers are given students where they are and it is our jobs to do our best to get them where they need to be and sometimes it take creativity to meet them where they are now.

Personally I have taken some of manipulatives from Kindergartern T4NCT games and used them for base ten. I have also taken some of the mats from Kinder and used them to create arrays on them for a fun base. I also use first grade games during small group at the start of the year to help review material for my students so they gain confidence in what they know. These are great ways to remix and leaving these kind of comments on materials can give a teacher who is in a similar situation an idea.

I feel that for some teachers like myself, I am a visual learner when it comes to materials. I want to get a good feel for what actual kids did because sometimes a concept is good and it doesn't actually work.I think it would be beneficial for there to be a way to allow creaters and users to not just rate the material but for raters to leave a picture feedback to show how there actual students used the materials.

SARAH BARNES 4years, 8months ago

Using the Remixing tool is a great way to make it fit for your students! I am really excited about this and by this. Not only are you tweeking the lesson to fit your needs but you may be helping someone else in the process. As educators, we need to work smarter not harder!

BARBARA EUDY 4years, 8months ago

Sarah, I agree. This entire process is enabling teachers to collaborate throughout our state. The ability to take a strong lesson and remix it to meet the needs of your classroom, wow, just wow.

KAREN KIMBER 4years, 8months ago

I love your idea of taking materials, manipulatives, and lessons from other grades and implementing them into the lessons your teaching and using that as a way to remix an activity, lesson, and/or resource. As an EC teacher, I am always using lessons and materials from other grades to help build the foundational skills they have not already mastered. However, now I have a place to come to with a plethera of resources that I can remix and leave a comment about how and why I remixed it so that other teachers can use it in a similiar way! Thanks for the great ieda :)

Patricia Wells 4years, 8months ago

I love the idea of being able to leave pictorial feedback Shelbie!

LOUISE SALERNO 4years, 8months ago

I agree that remixing is a great way for teachers to tailor the resources to meet their students exact needs.

Sabrina Ferguson 4years, 8months ago

I agree! Real worksamples or pictures to go along with lessons would be great!

TAKEIMA RICKS 4years, 8months ago

I think the idea of leaving a picture is great! That way others can see how students actually interact with the materials.

Pamela Holmes 4years, 8months ago

Thank you for your feedback on the Kinder games!!! I have compiled quite a few games from various math curricula to use but am always looking for fresh ideas. As you stated, it is necessary for us as educators to meet the needs of students where they are. Considering I often get students who are 2-3 years behind where they should be even in kindergarten, using manipulatives and games is critical to their learning.

Elizabeth Goins 4years, 8months ago

I think that is a great idea to have a feature for educators to leave pictures to provide feedback of how actual students completing the activities found on the Hub. I also am a very visual learner...I feel pictures of actual student work would help me to be able to easily see what the provided materials are in addition to the written explanation of the activity.

Elizabeth Helms 4years, 8months ago

Love the way you are remixing the materials to meet the needs of your babies.

Shannon Curry 4years, 8months ago


I like that you are sharing how you use other grade level materials with your second graders. I think that is something many teachers do not necessarily think to do, and limit themselves to only their grade level in Tools4NCTeachers. I love this idea, especially since our standards build from grade level to grade level. I would love to see how teachers remix the resources to match a different grade level standard. I am a math coach for Hoke County Schools. I am going to share this idea with my teachers and start modeling this behavior for them. Thank you for sharing your great idea!

Yolanda Gooden-Labran 4years, 8months ago

1. I think remixing activities to fit your classroom make up was one of the purpose of this site. I can see these lessons being remixed, reviewed in PLCs and creating some good conversation around how the standards are being addressed.

2. I think some teachers may want/need some additional support in creating assessments to ensure they are fully aligned.

SARAH BARNES 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I hope that teachers will use this to keep their ideas/lesson fresh. This will help with the everchanging ideas, attention spans, and attitudes of children. I love the remix tool due too the fact that I can adjust the idea of the lesson based on my students and thier abilities.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I would perhaps make a webinar on how to remix a lesson and post it on the website so that teacher new to the format will not be affraid of it and will actually use it!

Margaux Saenz de la Vega 4years, 8months ago

Totally agrre, If I was at the webinar last night I feel afraid of doing something wrong when it is time to remix.

I can't imagine a teacher who isnew to the website. It will take some time to play around with all the different things we can do on this platform to feel totally confident when using it. .

MARSHA SIRKIN 4years, 8months ago

I steps. Use the site until comfortable, then remix and contribute.

Yolanda Gooden-Labran 4years, 8months ago

Practice makes perfect.

KRISTY WOODY 4years, 8months ago

I agree with Sarah. If not for being a part of this awesome group I would be lost at how to get started. I feel like there is a lot of unused resources out there simply because teachers have not been trained to use them. Training is key.

AMANDA GREENE 4years, 8months ago

Yes! It would be fantastic to have some master trainers that could train new teachers to the site. It would even be more fantastic to have a person or two within the counties to provide PD to schools when the site opens. That would be super fun!

KAREN KIMBER 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I hope that teachers will feel empowered enough to remix activities and lessons to fit their students needs. I also hope that they will find inspiration on the hub and create thier own materials to upload for others to use. The more lessons, activities, and resources that are shared on this platform and/or remixed increases the likelyhood of finding something that will give our students the ah-ha moment we strive for everyday.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I am more of a visual and kinesthetic learner. I would love to see examples of student work and/or videos of how the lessons and activities aretaught/implemented. Sometimes I find it difficult to visualize how a lesson is supposed to go just by reading about it. I think it would also be a good ieda to include step-by-step instructions on how to remix and create materials somewhere on the platform. That way if someone wants to remix or create their own lesson they know how to do so.

CLAIRE ROEHL 4years, 8months ago

I agree about the examples of student work and step-by-step instructions! Seeing how a lesson was actually implemented and the feedback from the teachers/student can be a powerful learning tool for teachers.

JENNIFER ROSS 4years, 8months ago

Yes! Feedback after a lesson is taught would be so helpful!

BRIAN WALKER 4years, 8months ago

I agree with you about the feedback being a powerful tool. Receiving ideas from others can be very beneficial and could lead to better lessons that have been remixed or created.

CLAIRE ROEHL 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I think teachers will be excited to find resouurces that align to our standards and have the ability to remix to best suit their own students or create/upload their own material that they have used with positive results.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I think video tutorials might be useful for teachers to show them how to remix, review, or upload resources.

MARQUITA MORRIS 4years, 8months ago

Hi Claire,

I like the idea of using video tutorials. I use video tutorials quite a bit now, they help the visual learning in me. :-)

MARY DOGGETT 4years, 8months ago

I really like the idea of tutorials. I think that would be perfect for teachers, especially after our district does our big intro in January.

Lindsay Elks 4years, 8months ago

I think that teachers will start reviewing and remixing resources that are already on the platform. Also, some teachers may even create rubrics of their own to evaluate resources. I believe that the teachers that seriously are interested in this platform and creating resources for the "greater good" instead of profit will put their materials up here and allow teachers to remix and review them.

I think more hubs will be needed to further diversify the platform and organize materials to teachers' needs. More training on the rubric and basics of the platform for new users would also be helpful.

Patricia Wells 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I envision teachers breathing a sigh of relief more than anything! Once they are able to dig in, the opportunities available to them are astounding. Teachers will be able to remix according to their students need, in order to differentiate and to revamp if needed. The ability to create resources and lessons allows for pertinent feedback which can help shift mindsets and open others up to new ideas.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

At this point, I feel that everything is so laid out to assist teachers in remixing, creating and reviewing. I'm not sure what additional support would be needed right now. Once I'm able to work on the assignment and I can see what it is like to go through the process, I may have some suggestions.

KRISTIN KELLY 4years, 8months ago

I agree. From experience, it is difficult to see the "big picture" when watching the webinars until you actually dig in and begin remixing, creating, and reviewing resources. Once you jump in and get started, it consistently gets easier to do!

MARQUITA MORRIS 4years, 8months ago

I think that teachers would use the remix tool alot on the hub. We all know as educators that we love being able to "tweak" a lesson or activity to meet the needs of the students that we have at the time and the remixtools allows that to occur.

I believeteachers might need more support analyzingthe testing documents. I know sometimes I've looked at a test that created by the district and the question didn't align with the standard at all.

Teresa Castellaw 4years, 8months ago

I agree that teachers will need more support analyzing the testing documents.

Teresa Castellaw 4years, 8months ago

Review will be utilized when a resource is very beneficial and teachers want to promote. On the other end, it will be used if a resource does not meet the needs of most students or does not align with standards.

Remix will be used by teachers to add additional content for differentiation and engagement purposes.

Create will be used by teachers that value collaboration and networking with peers. They will add tools, etc. that others can use within their classroom.

I think short, video tutorials on the different features of the platform would be useful especially for BTs and teachers that struggle to use new technology tools.

BARBARA EUDY 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers engaging in pedagogical practices that increase student achievement, deepen our understanding of curriculum, and improve our effectiveness as educators. This process is active and thought-provoking; how could you be involved and not engaged. Is it possible to create a how to or frequently asked questions section for ease of use?

Emma Stephens 4years, 8months ago

I would like to see the sight become a trusted source that all teachers can find high quality, rigourous, standards based resources. I'd like to see anything that is outdated or not considered "good" according to our rubric be deleted. We only want the best. We don't want to have to weed through like we do on the internet! I'd also like to see the web design be more inviting. It's fine, of course, but we all know we gravitate toward color and graphics and organization.

The resources should be easy to download and remix. Perhaps one format only, such as PDF or Google docs based? (I'm not sure of the technology here. I'm sure someone could name the best format!)

Donna Stowe 4years, 8months ago

I completely agree that this site could potentially become the preferred "go to" for NC teachers for resources. I also agree that outdated or poor resources be removed as necessary in order to keep the site at its best :)

JEANNETTE PARRISH 4years, 8months ago

Emma, I can easily see this as the go to site for teachers. I agree that we only want what's best for our students and sometimes another teacher has it. Let's share and our students will reap the rewards.

Donna Stowe 4years, 8months ago

I think that teachers in my area will be most excited about gaining new insight and ideas about math standards. As a veteran K teacher, I always struggle with trying NOT to get stuck in doing something "the same old way". I try to find new ideas and exciting ways for students to learn and I think that this will be a great starting point. I also think that teachers will love the ability to REMIX easily to adapt lessons and resources to best fit our own classroom and students.

I do believe that teachers will want detailed instructions on how to best utilize the site, quick and easy navigation instructions, ect.

JEANNETTE PARRISH 4years, 8months ago

Donna, I know what you mean. New ideas are definitely needed to keep our instruction fresh and to meet the needs of our students. I also believe that having detailed instructions will definitely be great especially if there is an easy navigation to certain areas. I like the easiest pathway.

NATASHA VON KLINGLER 4years, 8months ago

I agree. Detailed directions are key! Maybe a ScreenCastify to help too!

MARY DOGGETT 4years, 8months ago

I see the remix tool as being the favorite tool for the teachers in my district. My hope would be that the teachers find resources that they like and then they remix it to fit the needs of all the different children they have in the classrooms.

I am also excited about the opportunity for my teachers to be able to collaborate with teachers in other districts through this hub.

JEANNETTE PARRISH 4years, 8months ago

Mary, I totally agree. There is no better resource than other teachers. I am really looking forward to the collaboration as well.

NATASHA VON KLINGLER 4years, 8months ago

I agree! I would love to see this become a heavily used tool in my district!

JEANNETTE PARRISH 4years, 8months ago

Jeannette Parrish here...I teach 5th grade in Johnston County. I teach a mixture of EC and Tier students all of the subjects. I see teachers utilizing the hub to create, review, and remix materials to differentiate the instruction for the students in their classroom. I have seen so many wonderful ideas as I have had time to search through the site. I have always been an advocate for why reinvent the wheel when so many extraordinary teachers have preceeded us. By remixing a great idea, we are able to save time while still meeting the needs of our students even if the curriculum has changed over time.

Additional support would include follow-up sessions as we get into other areas of study, change grade levels as teachers, or just need a refresher. I specifically am interested in reviewing lessons. This will allow me to also review the standards regularly to insure that I am encompassing all areas as I teach my students.

LOUISE SALERNO 4years, 8months ago

I believe that teachers will engage in the Tools4NCTeachers hub by reviewing resources, trying them in their classes, and then hopefully remixing and sharing themto best meet theneeds of their students. Teachers will need additional support in learning how to create and remix resources using the program on the platform.

Margaux Saenz de la Vega 4years, 8months ago

I agrre with you it is really awesome that we are able to remix according to our students' needs.

I also love the idea of being able to collaborate with other teachers from all over the state.

NATASHA VON KLINGLER 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers engaging in the Hub to discover resources and to take resources they have used in the Hub and remix them. I can see review and remix being used as a reflection tool on their lessons too!

I'd like to see teachers being supported by some in-person trainings in how to Remix!

KATELIN MILLER 4years, 8months ago

I agree with you that remixing is another way to reflect and process the standard more carefully. I do love the desire to teachers to collaborate and work with one another. The best way to learn is from experience and from one another.

MONICA GRIFFIN 4years, 8months ago

I agree...this would be beneficial!

JENNIFER CIANO 4years, 8months ago

I think either in-person or webinar training on how to use the platform initally and a later training on how to remix would be very helpful to teachers. I feel some may become overwhelmed by the platform or potentially not see the sense of urgency of using tis versus Googling to find resources without a video tutorial, in person training, or webinar.

KATELIN MILLER 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub by searching for resources and lesson that they have already taught or plan to teach. With this intention or experiences teachers can review the resources thoroughly, make some improvements, and even create a lesson that aligns well to the specific standard. Some additional resources teachers might need through this hub is a reflection of student achievement with a resource, task, or lesson. We have the flexibility to make it our own now we need to measure student success.

MONICA GRIFFIN 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers really be able to make the lessons their own through remixing. Being able to review lessons is going to make teachers more comfortable using materials that are rated. I love the star rating because it is simple.

Additional support teachers might need is quality videos of teachers teaching the standards.

Jamie Dyas 4years, 8months ago

I love that you think we need more quality videos of teacher teaching the standards. I could not agree more...I spend more time on Khan academy just making sure I have a strong knowledge of the different strategies to teach math.

Margaux Saenz de la Vega 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I think teachers have a great opportunity to remix resources to our different needs. Even though we might have the same grade level, our kids have different needs. I love the idea of being able to remix.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

Teachers might find themselves confused with all the different resources and features we can do. some features like remixing are hard to find on other platforms, so it is great that we can be able to remixa resource as we need it.

Jamie Dyas 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers remixing a lot of materials because it will fit their needs specific to their classrooms and students. I believe over time, I would be willign to create and upload more resources but I think I need to be more familiar with the platform and the quality of resources. I would like to think that teachers would evaluate materials on the platform, but I do not believe that would become a priority due to the fact that teachers spend a lot of time finding resources just to teach. After looking at the rubric and the depth of the evaluation, I just think it would be difficult for teachers to find the time to evaluate on top of the numerous other tasks they complete. Teachers might want more support with authentic assessments and their alignment.

Sandra Dula 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I know several teachers that have use the Tools4NCTeachers site and love this resourse. Teachers love sharing, and changing lessons to fit their students. Given the freedom to plan their own lessons teachers will use this site often.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

Videos for visual learning teachers.

Danielle Flores 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I think teachers will use these resources as inquiry based resources in their classroom. I think teachers will easily be able to remix these resources for their own use.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

A video on what a remix will look like when publish.

GIANNA SCHMIDT 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I envision most teachers remixing materials (to best fit their own class)at the start to get comfortable with the platform, then begin to create their own resources that they can share with others.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I hope that teachers begin to use the hub as one of their primary sources of lessons/activities/assessments. Teachers may want videos to go along with lessons, or technological resources along with lesson plans.

Sabrina Ferguson 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers remixing resources as needed to differentiate for their class. I also see teachers adding comments of success/mishaps with lessons/resources withsuggestions on how to improve/add to as needed.

Teachers may need extra support with creating lessons to ensure it is able to be remixed.

KRISTIN KELLY 4years, 8months ago

I hope teachers will contribute all of the ideas and resources that have already used with these lessons and add to the materials for future use. We can learn so much from each other, especially through trial and error of already teaching these lessons. I would also love to see how these resources can be differentiated for different students. Maybe even adding a "differentiation options" section to the lessons for teachers to remix might open up tons of possibilities!

At this time, I do not have the need for any additional support. So far all of the information has been organized and concise, enough to begin the process with ease.

TAKEIMA RICKS 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers finding materials to use in their classroom and then remixing them to best meet the needs of their students. I also envision teachers addingmaterials they have found successful with their students.tothe platform for others to use.

I willnot be sure what additional support is needed until I have had more time to explore the platform myself.

Pamela Holmes 4years, 8months ago

I see teachers taking lessons and modifying them to differentiate for groups, or doing a remix in order to change an upload from a lesson to an assesment. With all of the activities meeting the NC standards, each upload has the potential to meet the needs of students for initial instruction, reteach or assessment.

There is the opportunity for a lot of groups on this hub, so making sure all teachers/educators know what is available to them is one support need. As a general suggestion, all users needto be instructed onlicensing and attribution.

JOHN BOOHER JR 4years, 8months ago

I also in vision the resource being useful for many teachers. I hope that it may become useful in ways not yet dreamt of or thought of. Think about the internet. It was first used only for e-mail. Last Friday night an orthopedic radiologist at another site was able to evaluate my foot x-rays and rule out a broken bone with, what I feel, a high degree of competence. This resource may one day be used in productive ways we have not considered at this time. I also in vision the resource being useful for many teachers. I hope that it may become useful in ways not yet dreamt of or thought of. Think about the internet. It was first used only for e-mail. Last Friday night an orthopedic radiologist at another site was able to evaluate my foot x-rays and rule out a broken bone with, what I feel, a high degree of competence. This resource may one day be used in productive ways we have not considered at this time.

Katharina Smith 4years, 8months ago

I agree with Pamela's general suggestion for all users to be trained on licensing and attribution. I, too, think that the remix feature can be used for differentiation or for creating a second version of an assessment (perhaps as a retest option).

TAMARA KERR RAY 4years, 8months ago

I totally agree with you Pamela with regards to the different hubs or groups. I think teachers may get overwhelm with wanting to join several hubs and not getting quality benefits from the platform.Teachers will need instructions on the copyright requirements as well as how to create quality resources.

JENNIFER CIANO 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I envision teachers liking the chance to remix and post a lesson as way to share their ideas, content knowledge and expertise with others. I hope they will use the review button as a way to really say how the lesson worked in their own classrooms.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

Easier access to search by standards. I think it would help if the standard is readily visible on each product on the description that shows up via the search, so teachers can see the standards without clicking on each resource.
Teachers are going to need training in order to fully feel comfortbale using it, so they do not see it as "another thing". A short video showing how to navigate the platform would be beneficial.

Lindsay Elks 4years, 8months ago

I like your idea of a video as a how to. It would be great to have likt a slide show of screen shots with step by step ways to get around and navigate the site for newcomers who would rather play around the site instead of sit in a PD. A work at your own pace kinda thing. A screencast would be a great way to walk someone through.

ANGELA MACLEAN 4years, 8months ago

As a visual learner and NOT a tech savvy teacher, I agree that video tutorials would be extremely helpful. I am so overwhelmed with all the we have to do after the webinars that I just hope I can figure it all out. Teaching my 3rd graders is more than a full time job and I have a family and farm I care for after work. I hope I can get it all done and get the credit I need for technology!!

ANGELA MACLEAN 4years, 8months ago

I think that the Tools4NCTEACHERS hub can be used for information and guidance in how to remix and re-create resources for their classroom each year. I think that teachers can also use the hub for support and guidance in creating additional materials that they may be willing to share on the GoOpenNC website.

Elizabeth Goins 4years, 8months ago

I love the "remix" aspect of this platform. I am a special education teacher so I often "remix" materials that I find to accomodatethe unique learning needs of my students.

Elizabeth Helms 4years, 8months ago

Good morning! I am so excited about the review, remix, and create tools. The three options allow teachers to be engaged at different levels. The review will get teachers thinking about what makes for great lessons, especially with a clear rubric. I'm excited about the remix. For those a little nervous about starting from scratch, the remix gives the opportunity to take a great lesson and tweak it to match the needs of th students sitting in front of you. This could be especially useful for teachers who teach more than one block of a subject, allowing them to differentiate the lesson to meet the very specific needs of the group they are teaching. Whole teams could benefit from having the core of a lesson with the opportunity to remix as needed. The create will be a great option for me to upload lesson plans for my teams in a place that they can access them no matter their location. It sounds like the remix will allow me to see the changes they make as well.

As far as additional supports, in person trainings would be helpful for teachers like me who are very visual and hands on.

Katharina Smith 4years, 8months ago

When thinking about review, remix and the create tools of the platform, I envison the teachers at my school using these functions to adapt materials for use in their target language classrooms (German, French, Japanese, and Chinese).

Additional support for the teachers in my school might be need for language specific needs (special fonts, or characters) or knowing how to find appropriate target language resources that they can adapt and share here with others.

MARY MOORE 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I do believe many teachers will love the hub, yet, I'm very weary of many remixing and sharing and creating for others since it takes so much of their time. It will be nice to see how teachers interact with it and if they will do this to support other teachers across the state.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I think some short webinars would be great on the licensing, remixing, and sharing. I'm unsure of what additional support that will be needed until I work with it further and more in depth.

Shannon Curry 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub by uploading OER materials aligned to NC state standards, remixing resources already on the platform and sharing their knowledge with through the comment and rating feature.

Teachers may want to filter resources such as materials to use whole group, small group, station activities, assessment resources etc. Many teachers like Tools4NCTeachers because it is linear and everything they need to plan is right there in one location.

BRIAN WALKER 4years, 8months ago

I envision teachers having access to and using a variety of teacher-tested and created ideas that could be used in their classrooms to meet the needs of all of their students. Remixing will allow teachers to personalize lessons and activities to better suit their classes. I think this will definitely provide some new ideas for teachers, as well as saving them time by providing a common place to find well-written plans and activities.

KATIE KUHN 4years, 8months ago

Yes! I said exactly this. I am excited about being able to remix a resource so that it is beneficial to all of the learners in my classroom, not just the original creator. Thumbs up!

KRISTY WOODY 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

I feel like teachers will collaborate together to create credible resources that will align with NC standards. I think it is awesome that teachers will be able to find an awesome resource and then remix that resource to fit the needs of their classroom. Then that remixed resource might also be just what another teacher was looking for but maybe had no idea where to start.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I think teachers might want a quick guide on how to create, remix, and use the resources that will be available. I know I would be lost at where to start had I not taken this course.

KATIE KUHN 4years, 8months ago

I am really excited about teachers being able to take a resource and remix it for use in their own classroom. This can really help meet the needs of all learners, not just the specific set that the original resource was designed for.

I think people may need help learning how to create their own resource. I know that in my district we have finally gotten used to using Google Drive, and teachers may be hesitant to learn a new way of sharing resources.

Breana Barrett 4years, 8months ago

Hi Katie,

I totally agree that teachers would appreciate being shown how to create their own resource, I know personally I would like help in that area as well!

Breana Barrett 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?I envision teachers using the platform to review high quality resources. While reviewing those resources I also envision teachers possibly remixing lessons and providing additional tools for instruction on the platform.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?I think teachers might appreciation models of proper remixing and also improper remixing so that we have references to use when trying to do this on our own.

MARSHA SIRKIN 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

Teachers are notorious for taking materials and tailoring them to the needs of their turn fine tuning them to make them even better for students. I think this is going to be WONSERFUL.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I think a space to add video samples of lessons would be great too. Math instruction can some times be difficult to interpret in a lesson plan, and a model with examples can help give teachers what they need to make sure they are using the vocabulary and question stems when carrying out a lesson plan.

AMANDA GREENE 4years, 8months ago

Small counties like the one that I am from often struggle with providing resources for the teachers. It's not that they do not try. It's simply we live in a very large rural area with a lot of land and pockets of people. Therefore our monetary resources tend to become limited. Something like the Tools4NCTeachers hub is a fantastic way to allow access to quaility activites by standard that are vetted by reliable sources. Often places like TPT have some good resources, but not all are quailty resources. Having an open platform like this one will allow teachers to search by standards for things that they may need and then they can go in and remix these resources in order to meet the needs of their students! This will save so much time and money for dedicated teachers like me and I am super excited about it.

While I am part of the Tools4Teachers hub, it would be amazing to see a hub for middle school teachers and resources as well. I am the only 7th grade math teacher at my school so often having time to plan with other math teachers is something that I do not have. An area where I could connect to other middle school math collegues would be fantastic!

Deborah Wiley 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform? I think teacher will use the platform to review quality, standard-based resources. Teachers will collaborate more.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub? Teachers would like to see exmaples of the correct verse incorrect way to remix.

CHRISTINE CONDON 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform? I see everyone working at all hours depending on their personal schedules, so it may be difficult to be on at same time.

What additional support might teachers want through this hub? Create folders for subjects so it is easier to find resources.

TAMARA KERR RAY 4years, 8months ago

I see teachers using this platform as a great way to find resources, collaborate, and share their resources. Teachers will definetely make use of the opportunity to remix and create activities to meet the needs of their students. This is also a great way for teachers to get reviews on a resource so that they can make changes as they see fit. Teachers may want more support in regards to hosting a live chat periodically to provide continuous support and enhance collaboration.

JENNIFER BARNARD 4years, 8months ago

Tamara, that is a great point about needing support with hosting a live chat periodically to provide support and enhance collaboration. That is something that should be offered.

JENNIFER BARNARD 4years, 8months ago

How do you envision teachers engaging in the Tools4NCTeachers hub, especially thinking about the review, remix, create tools of the platform?

What additional support might teachers want through this hub?

I believe this website will be an amazing tool for teachers to obtain valuable resources to implement in their clasrooms. I do think they may need additional support with how to navigate the platform, as well as, need more background with the licensing of resources.

Tools 4 NC Teachers | #GoOpenNC Tools to Engage on T4NCT Hub (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.