Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (2025)

In Elden Ring, the player can continue to progress through new journeys with a single character, eventually becoming far stronger than would otherwise be possible in a single playthrough. However, with each additional game cycle, the enemies and bosses deal more damage and have increased defenses, meaning your Tarnished should have a buildup to the task.

One of the most important parts of New Game + is the ability to tank damage, so leveling Vigor to 60 is essential for a comfortable run. Subsequent playthroughs are also where most players enjoy experimenting with various weapons, so leveling endurance for a higher equipment load allows for more flexibility in your options. Since you will be dealing with enemies with higher damage negations, weapons with split damage will feel weaker as you have to cut through additional layers of defense.


How To Get All Hand-to-Hand Arts In Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree

Shadow Of The Erdtree released a brand new type of weapon, the hand-to-hand armaments, which employ martial arts against your opponents.

5 Colossal Greatsword Blood-Infused Build

The Blood Drill

The Greatsword has been a long-standing classic, given its massive scaling for Strength players. This weapon hits like a truck and boasts incredible poise damage, allowing for easy boss staggers. However, this weapon just got a whole lot stronger, given the addition of the new Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (2)Ash of War: Spinning Gravity Thrust.





Wondrous Physick

Great Runes

  • 60 Vigor
  • 20 Mind
  • 40 Endurance
  • 60/80 Strength
  • 12 Dexterity
  • 9 Intelligence
  • 10/25 Faith
  • 60/80 Arcane
  • Blood Greatsword
  • Blood Dane's Footwork
  • Dragon Communion Seal

Golden Vow

Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (3)Rotten Winged Sword Insignia Lord of Blood's Exultation Shard of Alexander Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (4)Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

  • Thorny Cracked Tear
  • Opaline Cracked Tear

Morgott's Great Rune

At 80 Arcane, the Blood Greatsword in Elden Ring has a massive 169 Blood Loss buildup. Because Spinning Gravity Thrust hits so often, blood loss will occur incredibly quickly while dealing as much damage as a Strength weapon. This gameplay loop will also activate buffs from two of the build's talismans:

Rotten Winged Sword Insignia increases attack power per successive hit, and Lord of Blood's Exultation increases attack power after blood loss occurs in the vicinity. The only weakness of this build is that not every enemy in the game can bleed.

If you don't want to invest any levels in Faith, you can offhand a dagger with the Golden Vow: Ash of War.

While this build is incredibly overpowered, be cautious when spamming Spinning Gravity Thrust, as you are quite vulnerable to damage during its animation.

4 Health Regen Magma Build

For Pyromancy Enthusiasts

Elden Ring's Blasphemous Blade has been and continues to be one of the most potent weapons throughout Elden Ring's history, with excellent Strength/Faith scaling, fire damage, health-regen effects, and massive range on its Ash of War.

The expansion has given players even more options to buff this weapon and several related weapons that could slot into this same build. Fire damage is already one of the best types of damage in the game, and the new Talisman of the Dread boosts it to new heights.





Wondrous Physick

Great Runes

60 Vigor 25 Mind 40 Endurance 60/80 Strength 15 Dexterity 9 Intelligence 60/80 Faith 7 Arcane

  • Blasphemous Blade
  • Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
  • Magma Blade
  • Erdtree Seal
  • Giants' Seal
  • Golden Vow
  • Howl of Shabriri
  • Flame, Grant Me Strength

Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (5)Talisman of the Dread Shard of Alexander Aged One's Exultatioxn / Ritual Sword Talisman Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman / Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (6)Taker's Cameo

  • Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear
  • Oil-Soaked Tear
  • Morgott's Great Rune
  • Rykard's Great Rune

There are many ways to approach this build, whether through more offensive or defensive options. This build can shine while exploring or fighting a boss, as swapping talismans can have an enormous effect.

The Aged One's Exultation can provide a massive damage buff when combined with Howl of Shabriri but also increases the damage taken. A safer option would be to use the Ritual Sword Talisman to buff attack power while at full HP, as the Taker's Flames Ash of War restores health on successful hits.

Use Howl of Shabriri if you are confident against a boss, and use Flame, Grant Me Strength against those you are struggling with.

3 Holy Paladin Build

I Have The power!

Holy damage has often been viewed as weak within the general community, considering how many major bosses have massive amounts of Holy damage negation. However, on New Game + runs, Holy Damage can provide some excellent utility against Those Who Live In Death and other undead creatures. For example, Death Rite Birds, the new Ghostflame Dragons, and the Putrescent Knight, one of the new remembrance bosses, are exceptionally weak to holy damage.





Wondrous Physick

Armor Suggestions

  • 60 Vigor
  • 40 Endurance
  • 25 Mind
  • 60 Strength
  • 18 Dexterity
  • 60/80 Faith
  • 9 Intelligence
  • 7 Arcane
  • Sword of Light
  • Inseparable Sword or Sacred Greatsword with Aspects of the Crucible: Wings
  • Coded Sword or Marika's Hammer
  • Erdtree Seal or Dryleaf Seal
  • Blessing's Boon
  • Golden Vow
  • Black Flame's Protection
  • Giant Golden Arc
  • Multilayered Ring of Light
  • Wrath From Afar
  • Knight's Lightning Spear
  • Stone of Gurranq
  • Light of Miquella
  • Shard of Alexander
  • Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (7)Old Lord's Talisman
  • Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
  • Sacred Scorpion Charm or Crimson Amber Medallion +3
  • Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear
  • Opaline Hardtear
  • Circlet of Light
  • Leda's Armor
  • Crucible Axe Set

The Sword of Light provides a Holy damage buff when casting its unique skill: Light. This buff lasts 60 seconds in Elden Ring, much longer than Flame, Grant Me Strength at only 30 seconds. The Coded Sword is an excellent choice to pair with the Sword of Light, as it is a pure elemental Holy weapon with no physical damage.

Because of this, the buff from Light has a significantly more significant effect on the Coded Sword than any other Holy weapon. Add Marika's Hammer to the equation for massive poise damage for an incredibly well-rounded build.

2 Heavy Carian Thrusting Shield Build

Shield Poke All Day

One of the most exciting new weapons in Shadow Of The Erdtree is the thrusting shield, notably the Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (8)Carian Thrusting Shield, which boasts innate magic damage. The latest Ash of War, Flame Spear, is an excellent choice to pair with this weapon, as it provides a massive fire damage coating buff to the armament. Combine this buff with Flame, Grant Me Strength, and Golden Vow for an incredibly tanky build that can put out absurd damage while blocking.





Wondrous Physick

Great Runes

  • 60 Vigor
  • 25 Mind
  • 40/60 Endurance
  • 60 Strength
  • 13 Dexterity
  • 15 Intelligence
  • 25 Faith
  • 7 Arcane
  • Carian Thrusting Shield
  • Clawmark Seal
  • Golden Vow
  • Flame, Grant Me Strength
  • Shard of Alexander
  • Spear Talisman
  • Two-handed Sword Talisman
  • Greatshield Talisman

Radahn's Great Rune

High endurance with this build is essential, as blocking while attacking consumes much stamina. Radahn's Great Rune will increase your maximum stamina upon consumption, which can help against bosses that break your guard quickly. However, many bosses are weak against shields, allowing the Tarnished to stunlock them into a poise break while safely guarding. This is incredibly strong in New Game +, as this strategy allows for quick and safe progression throughout the journey.

If you are struggling with stamina management, you can swap out any of the talismans for the Two-Headed Turtle Talisman to increase the stamina regeneration rate.

1 The Euporia Vortex Build

Welcome To The Shredder

With Elden Ring's recent balance patch, the Euporia Twinblade in Elden Ring, one of the new legendary armaments, has been buffed substantially. It is far easier to reach maximum stacks of Holy Luster, which will last longer, giving you more time to find a punish window to unleash the Euporia Vortex skill. This build can absolutely melt bosses, stunning them within its animation while dealing massive damage.





Wondrous Physick

Great Runes

  • 60 Vigor
  • 22 Mind
  • 28 Endurance
  • 47 Strength
  • 30 Dexterity
  • 9 Intelligence
  • 80 Faith
  • 7 Arcane
  1. Euporia
  2. Sword of Light
  3. Erdtree Seal
  • Golden Vow
  • Blessing's Boon
  • Shard of Alexander
  • Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
  • Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
  • Holy Scorpion Charm
  • Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear
  • Thorny Cracked Tear
  • Morgott's Great Rune
  • Radahn's Great Rune

Like any consecutive hit build, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia and the Thorny Cracked Tear should be utilized to boost damage even more. The Sword of Light's Holy damage buff and the Holy Scorpion Charm could also be employed with Euporia to boost its Holy damage by 22%.

Landing the fully charged skill on a boss is usually an instant transition to their second phase or a victory. New Game + can be quite a challenge in higher game cycles, but these builds should demolish the competition in Elden Ring.

Video Credit: RageGamingVideos/YouTube, Irithyllian/YouTube, KhrazeGaming/YouTube

Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (10)



Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (11)
Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (12)
Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (13)
Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (14)
Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (15)
Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (16)
Elden Ring



PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X

February 25, 2022

From Software

Bandai Namco Entertainment, From Software

Online Co-Op, Online Multiplayer


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence
Elden Ring: Best Overpowered Builds For NG+ (Including Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) (2025)
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