CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned... (2025)

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CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby Gamle-ged »

Note when the CNN spokesman dumps shade on the men in the barbershop...


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby quad489 »

Gamle-ged wrote: August 4th, 2024, 8:04 amNote when the CNN spokesman dumps shade on the men in the barbershop...

Gives promising hope of a positive future for the black members of our society whenever we hear black men who think for themselves...


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby Gamle-ged »

quad489 wrote: August 4th, 2024, 8:35 amGives promising hope of a positive future for the black members of our society whenever we hear black men who think for themselves...

That's why The Democrats have allowed so many illegal aliens to come across the border into the US. Blacks have increasingly given up on the Dems and the Dems know that. The time period of LBJ's purported quote about "200 years" is fading after about 60 of those years because Democrats believed Blacks were solidly attached to that political party and were not thinking for themselves, whatever Dems did.

But Dems allowing relatively cheap labor to flow across our border in unlimited numbers to please greedy Dem businessmen donors and without regard for the included criminals escaping justice has given all Americans increasing negative views about the Democratic Party.. well, all Americans except the radical Left nut-jobs...


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby Charlie Mike »

Well, this is awkward.


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby FOIA »

There's no irony in the fact that this took place in Harrisburg, PA.


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby Gamle-ged »

First CNN. Now ABC... George Snuffleupagus WANTS IDENTITY POLITICS!

What does the Dem media NOT want? Discussion about the Kamala achievements, perhaps beginning with her 2+ year coverup.. I saw Joe Biden almost every day and he is Superman!"

Democrats are left holding the Kamala end of the stick and there's no easy way they can wash her off their hands before election day...


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby FOIA »

Stupidopolous is very annoying. I thought wypipo weren't allowed to decide if someone was BIPOC or not. He needs to check his white privilege when talking to Donalds.


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Re: CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned...

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Unread postby Gamle-ged »

FOIA wrote: August 4th, 2024, 7:36 pmStupidopolous is very annoying. I thought wypipo weren't allowed to decide if someone was BIPOC or not. He needs to check his white privilege when talking to Donalds.

At least the CNN mouthpiece had the smarts to claim that he'd had Black callers call in and say that the folks in the barbershop were all wrong. George jumped up and said (effectively) "Let ME tell you how you are supposed to think on this matter ..." CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned... (9)


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CNN interviews Blacks in a Black-owned barbershop. Didn't go as CNN planned... (2025)


What does the barbershop mean to the black community? ›

At this point, Black barbers began opening shops in the Black community specifically to serve Black men. These barbershops quickly became a gathering place where Black men could gather to socialize, play chess and checkers, and discuss politics.

What was the significance of black barbershops during the Great Migration? ›


During times of segregation, these establishments served as safe havens for African Americans, offering them a space to freely express themselves and discuss important issues affecting their communities.

What race are most barbers? ›

Barber demographics by race
  • White, 60.0%
  • Hispanic or Latino, 22.0%
  • Black or African American, 6.8%
  • Asian, 6.6%
  • Unknown, 3.9%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.7%

Why do barbers wear Black? ›

Many hairstylists opt for black clothing because they're often handling chemicals such as hair color that will easily stain clothing. When the products are spilled on black clothing, they're much less visible, giving hairstylists a more clean and professional look even if a mishap were to occur.

What is the significance of hair in African American culture? ›

African-Americans began to use their hair as a way to showcase a link to their African ancestors and Blacks throughout the diaspora. The Afro, in conjunction with the Civil Rights Movement, was helping to define black identity. Some artists used their actual hair as an expression of art.

Why do barbershops have the pole? ›

The bloody bandages associated with bloodletting inspired the red and white stripes, while the barber pole itself symbolises an instrument people gripped onto during the procedure to encourage blood flow. Barbers would place the barber pole outside their barbershop, to let customers know they were open for business.

What did a barber originally do? ›

Barbers of the time were known to perform medical treatments such as bloodletting, application of ointments, and tooth extraction. Over time, the profession of barber spread throughout the world.

What is the significance of hair in the black community? ›

Hair was, and still is, an important symbol of pride. It was a symbol that oppressive systems often sought to take away. When an estimated 12 to 15 million Black men, women and children were sold into slavery between 1500 and 1800, it was common for slave owners to shave the heads of the people they captured.

What does the barbershop quartet symbolize? ›

Only after remembering—not traveling through time—does Billy see that the barbershop quartet resembles the four German soldiers standing together, along with the 100 US POWs, in the slaughterhouse during the bombing.

What does the barbershop symbol mean? ›

The bloody bandages associated with bloodletting inspired the red and white stripes, while the barber pole itself symbolises an instrument people gripped onto during the procedure to encourage blood flow. Barbers would place the barber pole outside their barbershop, to let customers know they were open for business.

What are the benefits of barbershop in the community? ›

Barbershops have long been an integral part of local communities, serving as more than just a place to get a haircut. These establishments play a vital role in fostering a sense of belonging, promoting social interactions, and providing a space for community engagement.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.